    The Marketplace is a Virtual Shopping Mall where you can significantly increase your sales.
    It is an excellent business opportunity for merchants of all sizes to create their digital sales channel.

    Companies that sell their products on Marketplace platforms are more valued and have an easier time
    rotating and controlling inventory. By using Softsystems management tools, all management is done
    in a unified way, that is, inventory management of the physical store, e-commerce and Marketplace, all in one place.

Interested in our solutions? Request a proposal, one of our consultants will contact you shortly.

Here are some of the advantages of managing your Marketplace with Softsystem:

  • Have the option to choose which product will be sold on each platform;
  • Integrated physical inventory management and online store;
  • Management of differentiated payment methods;
  • Differentiated prices for each Marketplace;
  • Unlimited number of photos per product.
With Softsystems manager, the guarantee of autonomy within each Marketplace, physical store and e-commerce platform will lead your company to a continuous process of creating value with your customer.

By advertising your products on Marketplaces, your company will gain more visibility, notoriety and the opportunity to leverage sales, selling products throughout Brazil.